Rolls Royce RB211-24G 24872 KW Gas Generator, Dual Fuel
Gas Turbine:
Manufacturer: Rolls Wood Group
Model: RB211-24G
Turbine Rating: 24872 Kw
Number Of Units: 1
Fuel: Natural Gas, Diesel
Hours: Time Since New 77.174 (Time Since Overhaul 7000) Heat Rate: 8.820kJ/Kwh
Exhaust Gas Temp: 493 Deg C (design at 12°C Amb. Temp.) Overhauls: 2007 49.011 hours/ 2012 70.000 hours Generator:
Manufacturer: Pebbles Electrical Machines
YP” 1998
Rating: 24865KW, 29253kVA (Class B)
Frequency: 50Hz
Power Factor; 0.85
Speed: 1500rev/min
Voltage: 11000 V/3 Phase, 50 Hz
Amps; 1535 Amps
HRSG Design conditions are,
Ambient Temperature: 12°C
Gas Turbine: Full load
Fuel: Natural Gas
Exhaust gas flow: 85kg/s
Gas Temperature: 493°C
Feed water inlet Temp.: 115,6°C
HP Steam Temperature: 460°C
HP Steam Pressure: 45,7 bar
HP Steam flow rate: 33,150 t/h
IP Steam Temperature: 202,9°C
IP Steam Pressure: 15,5Barg
IP Steam Pressure: 4,220t/h
Air Cooled Fin-Fan Cooler
Air compressors
Control System
Gas compressor
Dual Fuel means the turbine can be operated with either gas or diesel. After the last complete overhaul, the turbine has only run for 7000 hours, Ie the turbine is in optimum condition